Tuesday, March 31, 2015

We're Having A GIRL!

      Last week my viking and I went to our 12 week ultrasound, this ultrasound helps determine if the baby has Down syndrome. It was important for us to make sure and not miss this appointment because its always good to be prepared for something so big. If our baby did have down syndrome what next? How would we be able to prepare for what our child needs and what can we offer. So of course going in my nerves are everywhere, excited, nervous, worried, impatient...I seem to get like this every time I have an appointment, guess it comes with motherhood. Then the big reveal comes, my once so barely formed baby now on screen with an adorable strong profile. Just laying there in her  home feet propped up one hand behind her head and the other sucking her thumb. She was everything I imagined and more, she laid there so calm I could feel her peacefulness radiating. Then finally she stretched her arms out and we got to perfectly count all of her 10 little fingers. This moment was magical, its like she knew we could see her and she wanted us to know she was growing healthy and strong, that she was happy. The ultrasound technician went through all the steps checking on her growth and looking for anything that might need to be discussed, but our baby girl passed her check-up and was in perfect health, she was actually growing 6 days faster than her expected date! Looks like this Mama is going to have a big baby on her hands. I was so thrilled, I felt like I could breath now, my baby was alright, no need to worry anymore.

Then finally came my big question, can we tell the gender?
     Normally you have to wait till about 18 weeks to get an answer to that question, babies can move to much, be to small, it just makes it hard to tell. Our baby was so calm though that we were able to get a perfect view, we were looking and looking and saw nothing! Nothing was there and then I got excited and I tried not to laugh, I didn't want to ruin the ultrasound technicians view. Then, after a couple heart beats and already mentally knowing the answer myself she said "It looks like your baby is a girl." And then I laughed, I couldn't help it I was so happy, and to finally have her say what I deep down already knew just made me even happier. Now, I know there is always a chance I could go in at 18 weeks and she turns out to be a boy, so we haven't bought anything yet, we are waiting patiently (well kind of patiently) But as of this very moment My viking and I area having a strong, healthy, beautiful baby girl. Our son will have a baby sister. Everyday my heart grows larger in size and love fills every inch. I'm 13 weeks pregnant and the happiest I have ever been in my life. I love my kids, I love my little family.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Today was a big day, a milestone one may say. My little one and I experienced our first ultrasound! the emotions before I finally saw my baby and the thoughts running through my head were so erratic. One moment I'm smiley and unbelievably excited the next I had an overwhelming irrational fear that my womb would be empty and no baby would show up and I would just break down. But then my mind shut off and I held my breath as finally my little one wiggled and jiggled on that tiny square screen. I felt my heart skipped beats, I was so in love and so happy. I looked over at my viking and he was smiling, eyes stuck looking at the wonderful person him and I created together. Everything felt so right, everything is so right. My little one is due October 4th and the ultrasound technician wrote that my baby has a long torso. I can't wait to feel her/him move...I can't wait for so many things to come. Everything became really real in just a split second, my whole life has shifted. <3